Unique Industries, Inc.
Manufacturer of Specialty Threaded Items. We have been a prominent leader in the specialty fastener industry for the past 45 years.
For this reason, we have built a diverse and vast customer base covering a broad geographic market. We offer a wide range of products and services that can meet almost any
fastener requirement. Our threading, bending and welding capabilities, along with a substantial materials inventory, set us apart from the competition.
We have a large stock of standards available for immediate delivery: anchor bolts, round u-bolts, wilson anchor sleeves, key stock, keli anchors, keligrout,
nuts and washers. Let Unique Industries produce your custom fasteners in the size, shape material and finish you need. 100% traceable.
Expertise. Integrity. Reliability...
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Stock Items
- anchor bolts (plain, hdg)
- round u-bolts (plain, hdg, zinc, 304ss, 316ss)
- Wilson anchor sleeves
- key stock (plain, zinc)
- keli anchors
- keligrout (1/2 quarts, quarts)
- nuts (finished, heavy, 2H, plain, hdg, import, domestic)
- washers (USS, F436, plain, hdg)
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- non-standard u-bolts (round, square, v-shaped)
- non-standard anchor bolts
- j-bolts (round, square, hook)
- eyebolts (open, closed, welded)
- studs (fully threaded, single end, double end)
- swedge bolts
- spade bolts
- plate and sleeve assemblies
- emded assemblies
- carbon steel (all ranges)
- alloys (B7, L7, A449, Gr8, 1144)
- stainless steel (304ss, 316ss)
- copper
- aluminum
Dimensional Capabilities
- rolled thread diameters #10 thru 1-1/2"
- cut thread diameters 1/4" thru 4-1/2"
- lengths up to 60 feet
- cold bending up thru 3"
Secondary Operations
- welding (wire, stud welding up to 5/8"
- drilling
- slotting (screwdriver, wrench)
- turning
- assembling
Custom Products
Let Unique Industries produce your custom fasteners in the size, shape material and finish you need. 100% traceable.